Daily Archives: November 29, 2013

Fashion, Fairs and Fantasies…

Every November one of my dearest friends organises a charity craft fair and fashion show where everything sold is fair-trade. Each year Denise manages to exceed the previous year’s ‘takings’ which is no mean feat considering that here in the UK there are many bigger charities vying for people’s money at this time of year! But to all of us who know her, that is no big surprise. She has this ability to, shall we say, persuade people (and I mean that in the nicest way) into getting involved.Fashion Show Denise

And so it was that I found myself agreeing to model in the fashion show again. Well it’s such a good cause and as I’ve done it for several years now you’d think I’d be used to it. But I’m not really one for the limelight, much preferring to work behind the scenes, but Denise being Denise there I was stepping onto the boards again. What is even scarier than looking down at dozens of pairs of eyes directed on you is the fact that each year I seem to be slipping into ever larger sizes. I have this little fantasy that the mirrors are those distorted kinds that make you look bigger than you actually are, but sadly my self-deception was short-lived. This year I treated myself to one of the tunic dresses I modelled as it felt extremely comfortable and I thought it hid a multitude of sins. Alas, I bought it before I saw this photo, and they say the camera never lies! Tricia Fashion Show (2)AJ said it wasn’t the most flattering thing he’d ever seen me in, and perhaps I could wear it a couple of times and then donate it to a charity shop. He would have laughed on the other side of his face if he knew how much I’d paid for it!

On a happier note, I managed to get some Christmas shopping done. Fashion Show 13There were amazing things on offer – handicrafts, jewellery, food, bags, cards, notebooks- all so very refreshing from the mass-produced goods to be found in the stores and the proceeds going toward such good causes. It’s a happier shopping experience than fighting around the crowded shops. One of the stalls really caught my attention (and everyone else’s).

Fashion Show 14

This wonderful lady was selling absolutely stunning hand-made jewellery from Uganda for the Fingertips charity and shoppers were gravitating toward her special blend of energy and the gorgeous products all day.

I wish I could have taken more photographs, but the day tends to go by in a whirl of activity. But then there’s always next year … no doubt I’ll get ‘persuaded’ again.