Rain or Shine, the Beach is Always Fun

The weather is warming up again here in the Pacific Northwest after a couple weeks of gray. We had an abnormally warm March and April, which means that the snow pack that recovered this year (from 19% of normal last year) is melting too quickly and we may yet again be in a water shortage situation this summer. I have to say, these past couple of years have held some of the strangest local weather I’ve seen in my XX years here. 🙂

However, as true PNWers, we didn’t wait for the sunshine, opting to head for the coast the weekend before Memorial Day for some rest and relaxation. I am a true believer that, rain or shine, life is always better at the beach. And we got very lucky, renting a home just steps up from sand, with awesome views of the tidal changes and sunsets.

It was a weekend with our youngest daughter and her family and one of the most relaxing I’ve ever had. We streamlined the food so very little cooking was done. I walked on the beach several times each day.

And my husband and I became miniature rock hounds. I’m working on some research for a story and runes are an integral part of it, so when we started finding these small, flat, round stones, I realized I had an opportunity to make my own set of runes for inspiration while I’m writing the story (or stories, as I hope to turn it into a series.)

But the highlight of the weekend was our six-year-old granddaughter. Since they live further away, I don’t get to see her often, except for our weekly Skype visits. Her curiosity and her ability to reason things out continues to astound me. And smart? Whew! She’s reading well above her level and her math skills are strong. I couldn’t trip her up on math addition into the 100’s. When we played checkers, she almost beat me…and that was only her second game!

The beach always, always rejuvenates me and this weekend was no exception. I think, if I could live at the beach year round, I probably would. But I wonder if it would seem as special to me as it does now?

15 responses to “Rain or Shine, the Beach is Always Fun

  1. I share your love of the beach. Ever changing and yet always unchanged.

    • Oh, yes. Always great to just sit and stare at. I get into trouble walking because I keep watching the waves and tend to run into what those waves have left behind. Lol.

  2. We love the beach also and always spend Spring Break there and another , at least 10 days, in August. We have actually had it snow there on us in March but love it in all kinds of weather.. Jim and I actually sometimes decide at the last minute to just drive down for the day even in the rain. Sounds like you had a lot of fun and of course always fun with those Grandkids.😏

  3. very cool! I love the idea of making your own runes and am intrigued about the story you’re researching.

    Sounds like a fun time with the family. Jillian

    • It’ll be a long time before my fantasy series starts rolling out. Am heavy into research mode. probably won’t start writing until next year. So I will continue with the romance and women’s fiction stories to keep me writing until then.

  4. I do so love the beach too, Laurie, but I think it’s more to do with the sound of the surf than the sand, as I hate walking in bare feet on any surface and sand does seem to get everywhere. I do love the idea about the runes. So good you had such a lovely time with your family. Happy days indeed. 🙂

    • The sound of the surf is a great reason to go to the beach. i love that sound. But I am also the one walking in a bit of that surf. My husband walks about 20 yards away from me on the dry sand. 🙂

  5. Oh, glorious, Laurie! Like you, the beach always rejuvenates me too and I never sleep as well as I do when near the sea. Very much looking forward to reading your new series 🙂

  6. Valerie J. Patterson

    You make me yearn for the beach! My bubbly hubby and I love the beach. Every time he gets stressed about his job, he mentions moving to the coast. I suspect we will retire there one day, but that is a stretch down the road.

    Laurie, your photos and your blog were like a breath of ocean air for me! Thank you for sharing your weekend with us here. 😛

    • Listen to that voice inside your head, Valerie, and go to the beach. After the year you guys have had so far, you deserve a vacation. 🙂

      • Valerie J. Patterson

        Oh, I couldn’t agree with you more! Just this evening we were talking about our future house by the shore! Sounds delightful and peaceful!

  7. Ooh, Valerie…are you retiring to the shore? How cool would THAT be!!!

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