Switch Off Sundays

A little while back I made the decision to turn off my smart phone on Sundays. Mostly, I’ve stuck to the plan (with a few teeny lapses) and have to say it’s quite freeing. My decision was made primarily because of a neck problem, and I found that too long scrolling/texting on the phone really tensed up my neck. On these phone free days my neck really does seem easier. Interesting.

Talking to a fellow dog walker who is also a retired occupational therapist, she predicts that one of the most lucrative jobs in the future will be in chiropractic, physiotherapy, and other linked professions. With so many people glued to their cell phones these days, she says that ‘text neck’ is a growing problem and doesn’t seem to be going away. You only have to watch people in public places to see evidence of that truth, and if you look at the angle of their neck while using the phone, it’s not a stretch to see that she just might be right about the very real need for corrective treatment in the future.

As a life-long yoga fan (celebrated the 52nd anniversary of my very first yoga class last September), I know basically what to do to ease neck pain and tension, but this ‘text neck’ is something else. It feels like the whole neck freezes and it’s really hard to work through the tension. Awareness of posture when using the phone becomes vital, too. It’s great finding ways to ease the tension, but then we have to learn how not to create that tension in the first place.

Being a writer makes this doubly challenging. Hunched over a desk not only creating stories, but working on promotion, learning the trillion and one changes in the industry that seem to pop up overnight, networking with colleagues and friends, research …. mostly that all takes place working at the computer.

Maybe I need to extend Switch Off Sundays to include working at the computer, but I’m really not sure I could do that. The stories beckon and don’t really care about my stiff neck. Ah well, as someone one said, we all have to suffer for our art… 😉


9 responses to “Switch Off Sundays

  1. Ah ha, finally something I’m ahead on. I am not a big phone user. Now the computer is another thing. I don’t know how many times I’ve thought “I’ll stop as soon as I ????????” and an hour or so later I finally quit when I feel my back yelling at me.

    Sprinting (we’ve talked about that) works for me. I set the online timer for a max of 45 min. and make myself get up and walk around, get a drink, go potty or best yet do a brainless chore like put in washing.

    Great blog Tricia

  2. I know I need to take more time away from tech. I like the idea of down time one day a week. Going to have to try to make that work for me. Thanks!

  3. I can totally relate to the neck issues. All our work things are electronic- even filing with the court and a lot of court hearings, so I get that neck stiffness and sometimes can’t do my writing for being uncomfortable at home- we do need that rest time. Sundays off of the phone at least helps some. Jillian

  4. This is sound advice to take time away from screen time!

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