Category Archives: Procrastination


I’m getting to be a master at procrastination. I love naps but now I’m pretty sure the reason I’m so ready for one is I don’t want to do anything on my to-do list.  Years ago, when I worked full time, + family, + activities, I didn’t dare put off things. If I didn’t keep up with what I had in my life it would soon bury me.  When I retired, I sort of continued on with more and more things I wanted to do.  In fact, my ex-co-workers told me that when they retired, they weren’t going to take lessons on how to do retire from me. 🙂 

Okay so this isn’t new. From time to time I become overwhelmed and I know how to get out of it. Like take it in small bites. Don’t multi task to the extreme. 

********** Now for the grumble part.  I really try to bring a positive attitude and experience to share over the backyard fence but ************

Monday, I decided to get one thing off my to-do list and work on the auto pay for my iPad Apple Care. I’d gotten a new credit card that replaced the one I had been using for it. Not too hard, not too much time. ha ha ha  

First, I tried to log into Apple on my computer. I couldn’t find where, let alone how, to edit the payment. Finally, after more time that I like to think about, I gave up and decided to call them. Now I couldn’t find a phone number that got me to a live person.  After again, a lot of time, I finally got someone on the phone and explained what I needed. They put me on hold and transferred me to another number. I was waiting to connect with the 4th contact when the call ended. Okay, not all lost. They had in the process, pointed me in another direction. It seems the best way to edit a payment is through the device the apple care was for. In this case the iPad. Plus, I wasn’t sure in the 3 different people I’d talked with, that the problem wasn’t corrected so decided to wait until the next day. 

Next day! The problem was still there no coverage by Apple care. After going into the settings in the iPad I still couldn’t take care of it so now I have an appointment with a local store for tomorrow. One thing I did take into consideration was that I wasn’t, no matter how much I wanted too, procrastinate, so I did call for the appointment instead of maybe putting it off for a day, or week or. . . .

To end this on a positive note!  Every person, real and robot was courteous through this event.  Including me. Yayyyyy