Too much choice!

Last week we actually had a sunny, warm day here in the UK (only joking, we do actually have a few, it just seems like we don’t at the moment) and feeling lazy and wanting a day away from the desk, I took myself off for a day’s shopping in Bath.

There was no plan, and since I usually shop online these days I just wanted to have a mooch around the shops and hopefully grab a couple of nice things for the summer wardrobe. It started off so promising, and I was actually quite excited when I stepped off the bus and headed for the first shop. H&M, it’s a favourite (do you have it in the US?). I always love their neutral colours and simple styling, and have found for the price the quality is usually good.

These pull on trousers caught my eye immediately, so they went in the basket as I continued to browse. Oh good heavens, so much choice! Like, dozens of tops which were very similar in design and colour, not to mention dresses, jackets, pants. Gorgeous, gorgeous things, but simply too much to take in, at least it was for me.

So I headed to another shop which is a very popular store and one I can usually rely on with online shopping, Marks & Spencer, or M&S as they now like to be known. It’s a smaller store than some of their other branches, but here I counted so many choices in their jeans! I can remember going in years back (during a lunch break from the office) and grabbing a pair of jeans in a couple of minutes, flat. Now, there are mum jeans, girlfriend jeans, boyfriend jeans, low rise, high rise, mid rise, regular, short, extra short, long, tapered, wide, bootcut, straight, skinny, slim…I’m sure I’ve missed a couple of dozen other styles here, but you get the gist.

My head was thumping as, just an hour after I’d stepped off the bus, I stepped back on it again and headed home. I did grab a few tops in M&S, which will be handy if we ever get summer here. Mostly, I was just glad to be home and relaxing with a nice pot of tea and a Belgian bun which I grabbed while waiting for the bus.

While it’s lovely to have so many choices, it can also be overwhelming. So next time I venture into the city for some shopping, reckon I’ll make sure to have a clear idea of what I’m looking for. That might help with the overwhelm, and save me a headache, until then, online shopping it is.

11 responses to “Too much choice!

  1. I think we might have H & M stores in the bigger cities, but not in my little corner of the world. We used to have Marks & Spencer fifty years ago. I loved their terry diapers, but they all closed down in the early eighties. I used to love shopping in the stores but lately, it’s been a battle. No two garments labeled the same size actually are. The material is far inferior to what it used to be, and I hate trying on clothes, having to get dressed and undressed. UGH!
    To be fair, we actually don’t have any decent shops here, not like we used to have when I was thirty years younger. The emphasis on dressing up seems to have vanished. At my age, I’m in my early seventies, I don’t consider skintight clothes the best choice for me. I do wear jeans–not the skinny ones, and leggings, but with long tops, keeping my muffin top and my ass safely hidden. I won’t wear miniskirts or shorts in public either. That said, it’s a lot easier to shop online. If I have to go shopping for something specific, it means a trip out of town to a larger city where they sell something other than clothing for teens.

    • I so agree with you about the sizing, even in the same store/brand the sizes vary. It makes shopping for clothes even harder than it is.

      And yes, there doesn’t seem to be many occasions for dressing up any longer. Tee shirts and jeans seem to the the order of the day. Went to the ballet a couple of years ago and we felt decidedly overdressed with me in a dress and hubby in shirt and tie. Sad really.

  2. Ahhhh I almost never shop for clothes in shops. For me, and we laugh about this, but Costco. Of course its 100% casual now as I have enough in the closet for most occasions since they are few that I need dressy. Still love to shop offline in home decor and Hobby Lobby, Ultra for body stuff. The mall here in Peoria is a busy well stocked one.

  3. I believe we have an H&M store in our local mall. I don’t shop in person much anymore. That kind of walking doesn’t feel good to me, though I’m actually happy you felt you had so many choices. Here, it seems like the aisles are getting bigger and the selection smaller. Probably because of people like us who shop online, I know. The one thing I cannot buy online, okay, two things, are shoes and jeans. Those HAVE to fit right. Lol. I’m glad you got a different view for a bit. It makes home, and that pot o’ tea, extra special, right?

    • Seems there are a lot of us ‘onliners’ here at The Fence! And yes, it’s a double edged sword, I suppose. The more we shop online the less choice there’ll be available in stores *sigh*

      Ugh, shoes. Talk about tricky. Used to love shopping for shoes, but now it’s usually Skechers (online) as I know what will fit.

      Oh yes, that cuppa went down really well!

  4. We do have H&M but not in my area. Mostly big cities. I love the slacks. Not for me as I would look like an upholstered sofa but they would be cute on you since you’re thinner than me. And the tops are cute. Orange is my fav color so I love that one in particular. Jillian

  5. Haha. AJ is funny! Love it.

  6. I hate shopping at the best of times, particularly for clothes so most of mine is purchased on line. The worst problem is buying shoes as I have awkward shaped feet. I’m not one for wandering around shops looking, unlike my sisters who seem to thrive on it. I get bored and end up in a coffee and cake shop. Still, that’s one advantage. Love the orange top, but have to admit I couldn’t quite see you in those slacks. Definitely not you. 🙂

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