Daily Archives: May 6, 2024

Pets, pets, pets…

Mother’s Day is coming up. One of my favorite days of the year because we get the deck furniture out. It was also our Dude’s favorite day, RIP. He loved sitting on our swing and surveying his kingdom.

And it was a kingdom for him. He knew it’s boundaries and while he would occasionally breach them and go walkabout, he also fiercely defended them. He’d take on cats and dogs alike and was unafraid. Though occasionally, he’d take them on from the height of our pergola, spitting and growling. I think he knew his limits. Lol.

I’m not sure what has me chatting about our cat that passed away in 2019, but we still miss him and getting another pet isn’t something we’re ready for either. I’ve never bonded with an animal like I did with Dude. Hubby felt the same way. And neither of us is ready for another animal. Maybe someday. We’re not there yet.

In the meantime, I love other folk’s animals. Like our granddogs, pictured below.

Bo Steele is a big 6 year old puppy who still sleeps on my granddaughter’s twin bed with her, is exuberant about any visitors, and loves running around his yard.

Lily is a Bassett hound who adores her minions (aka owners.)

Then there’s Daisy. This dog is devoted to our son. Absolutely, totally devoted. She rarely leaves his side. He’s lucky enough that he can take her to work with him and only the promise of treats will pull her away. That devotion is so precious and I love her for being his constant companion.

And that’s not counting our great-grand dogs and cats. Our family is blessed with a plethora of animals to pet and love. So it’s all right that we’re not ready. We can always take a drive and hug a furry family member.

Have a wonderful month of May, everyone. I hope you get just enough rain to make the flowers and grass grow and enough sunshine to get outside and enjoy!

For more information about Laurie Ryan:

ADDENDUM: Oh, my gosh, I forgot some granddogs! My daughter has one, Chase. Her daughter has another one, Molly. Both are absolutely precious and devoted to their minions. And they love pets. Molly, who’s young, loves running outside, as well. I don’t have a picture of Chase, but here’s Molly!