Putting Myself Out There…

I did it! My first reader event as an official signing author is done. Whew!

For those who follow this blog, you probably know I’ve got issues with in person author events. I get social anxiety pretty bad so putting myself out there like this isn’t easy. Thank goodness, the glitches were minor and everything went well.

I spent weeks preparing. Ordering stock, planning my outfit: (I was trying for Earth Mother with comfortable shoes.) 🙂

Making or buying table decorations: (Hubby and I filled, sealed, and bow-tied these cute little sand and shell jars that were very well received as free swag.

Marie Tuhart (she writes wonderful, emotional, club romance) and I drove together. We arrived at the Hilton Friday afternoon with lots of boxes. Books are NOT light! Anyhow, needed a bellhop to help us and the wonderful gentleman who was working there was awesome. He was also about 70 years old. We definitely tipped him well after all that work getting everything to our room!

Since there were authors signing Friday night until 9pm, we weren’t able to decorate until 10pm. We got most of the heavy stuff (have I mentioned how heavy books are???) to the ballroom thanks to Marie’s wagon. That thing saved our backs big time.

Anyhow, we got set up, grabbed some shut-eye, dressed in our author clothes, and headed to the ballroom.

I have to say, the day went much better than I expected. I sold some books, gave out a lot of book lists for those who prefer ebooks over print, and chatted with a lot of people. I focused on learning about them instead of selling books and for me, that worked.

I also had a lot of help. Jami Davenport gave me a squeezable puck (she writes GREAT hockey romance), Marie kept me focused and on schedule, and my daughter and her friend were a huge reason I slowly calmed down and enjoyed the event. They stuck around for a couple hours helping, visiting, and checking everything out. I was so happy they were there, I didn’t have time to be anxious. 🙂

However, by Saturday night, I was fried, so I think I held in a certain amount of tension all day. After dinner with more wonderful authors, I excused myself and went back to the room. I sat and read for a couple hours, relaxing in the quiet, and it soothed any remaining tension from my body.

We got the valet to help us load the car up on Sunday and Marie drove us home in the rain. Not fun for her, but she’s a trooper and a good driver. Once home, this is me.

Didn’t even unpack. Sat down in my recliner and was asleep in fifteen minutes. That afternoon, I slept for three and a half hours!

It was a really good event and I survived it. I have two more events this year. The next one is by SeaTac airport in Washington on 7/21/24. So if you’re in the area, come check us out. 🙂

I hope you have an opportunity to successfully put yourself out there in a way that isn’t easy for you. It’s a wonderful experience and really bolsters confidence levels. (I’ll be doing a lot of that this summer. Gulp!)

Now onward and upward. It’s family focus this weekend with my granddaughter’s high school graduation. My word for this year is BALANCE and so far, I think I’m finding the right amount of work and family.

Until next month…

For more information about Laurie Ryan:

13 responses to “Putting Myself Out There…

  1. Sounds like a great event for you. I’ve followed you in adopting BALANCE as the word for the year but might move it to the word for the decade.

    Good choice on the outfit.

  2. Congrats on facing your demons and surviving. It’ll get easier.

  3. Sounds like such a great time for you, even though exhausting. Very well done putting yourself out there and pushing through the anxieties. I’m sure the next conference will be lots easier. LOVE your outfit!

  4. Sounds like it went very well. I’m proud of you for getting out there. Your author outfit is awesome, too. Love the little jars. I’m glad it was fun- and that you are getting some much deserved rest now. Jillian

  5. You did fantastic. It’s so much fun to have an author buddy at these signings and for the driving. I took a nap after I got home too.

  6. Well done, Laurie. Sounds a fabulous event. Proud of you getting out there and doing it. Like you, I have anxiety problems and bad nerves doing such things – believe it or not – as I am actually a very shy person who isn’t good at social conversation with strangers, so know how difficult this must have been for you. Love your outfit and the little jars, what a lovely thing to do as giveaways.

    • Thanks, Kit. It really was fun and I’m encouraged for the next on in July. I really struggle coming up with something to say, especially when it comes to selling myself and my stories. Definitely doing a cheat sheet for July. Lol.

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