Monthly Archives: June 2024


Forever learning and a great time to be living. 

This gallery contains 2 photos.

I know I was born at the right time. To see information at our fingertips, I appreciate how easy it is to learn so easily.  It hasn’t been that long ago we bought encyclopedia’s or went to the library and used … Continue reading

Full Circle

Here we are in the middle of June. Flaming June as it’s known in the UK, except at the moment it’s flaming cold. We’ve been promised summer, but so far there is little sign of it. Not a great deal has been happening this month, which is good as the previous month was busy. At the end of April, Dave and I were away in North Devon for a weekend helping to celebrate my nephew Gary’s 50th birthday. It was a surprise meal for him as he wasn’t expecting the whole family to be waiting there at the Thai restaurant. A lot of fun, wine, food and a fab cake decorated with Star Wars characters (Gary’s a huge fan) and photos of his life as a roll of film all made out of icing.

On the Sunday we met on Croyde Beach, renowned for its surfing, where Gary’s son, our little George (who is far from little now) loves to surf. I may have mentioned before that the surfing team there and my niece Nicki created an adaptive surf board for him. He loves it and it has made such a difference to him in fulfilling his world. Following on from that, a days later, a national TV channel interviewed and filmed Nicki and George, his surf team and another disabled surfer on the great work being achieved there. The programme aired a few weeks ago. The piece is not very long and I hope this video link of the interview works for you if you wish to take a look.

Back to the current: On the home front, many years ago back in the early 1980s when Dave and I decided to turn our backyard from a vegetable patch to a proper garden, I wanted a small pond put it. That pond morphed into a swimming pool sized koi pond, over 8ft deep, 3 of which were above ground. Keeping koi and the pond going was becoming harder each year for Dave so we gave the fish away and demolished the pond, turning it into a flower bed, commonly known as the the bog garden as it is always wet as there is no drainage, but the plants love it.

Our next door neighbour had two ground level ponds in her garden, a consequence of which we always have frogs in our garden. She moved away last year. The new neighbours, are a lovely family but not gardeners, and they have sadly filled in both ponds.

Pottering in the garden last week, moving rose bushes and weeding, we disturbed a lot of our frogs, small as well as large. Dave commented that now the ponds next door had gone, we probably will not have any frogs next year. He was quiet after saying this and I thought no more of it. Sat enjoying a well-earned cup of coffee, his face lit up. “How about we put in a small pond for the frogs,” he said. I laughed. “That was all I wanted in the first place,” came my reply. “But yes, let’s do it.”

The difficulty now is deciding where to put a small ground level pond. We have several locations it could go, we just at the moment cannot make up our minds.

So yes, things do come full circle. And also, if you wait long enough, wishes, no matter how small or insignificant, can come true. Has this ever happened to you?

Kit Domino’s websites and blogs

Dream and Interpretation

Jillian here. Hard to believe it’s already June. I’ve been at a loss on what to blog about and started trying to find a topic since Laurie’s post since I knew I was up next. Alas, I didn’t have a thing. But last night, I had a dream I thought I’d share and see if you all agree with me on my interpretation. 

By way of setting it up, my mom had 8 brothers and 1 sister. Her sister was the 3rd oldest and Mom was the 3rd youngest. They were 14 years apart, but always very close. They traveled together often and I went with them a few times. They lived 360 miles apart for about 50 years but maintained that closeness even to the point of buying the same dress to wear to my sister’s son’s wedding. 

My aunt died two years before Mom and Mom never seemed to recover from her loss. Mom died last July and my great-nephew died in April last year. So, on to the dream.


I was in my car parked at a restaurant and my aunt knocked on the window. I rolled it down and she said she needed a ride to the courthouse as it was my g-nephew’s court date and my mom was already there with him. 

I told her she needed to get in the back seat as my passenger seat had a bunch of junk piled on it. She got in the back and laid down. 

At the courthouse, it had been remodeled and looked nothing like I was used to. I couldn’t even see the entrance. My aunt sat up and said she’d get out there and meet me upstairs. The fourth floor. 

I said I needed to park. She got out and somehow, I was on a staircase looking for the elevator. A lady stopped me and said she had a warrant for my arrest. I asked her if she even knew my name. She gave me a different name and I said it wasn’t me. She still needed my ID and had to run it for other warrants. I was antsy by now as I figured my mom would go into meltdown if things didn’t go well for the great-nephew. 

Suddenly, I was back in my car looking for a parking space. They were all numbered and I didn’t know if they were reserved and was in a panic to get in one and into the building. Every one I tried to pull in suddenly had vines and limbs growing over it. 

I was finally able to get in one (number 85) and just as I got out of the car, far from me but close enough for me to make out the g-nephew, he came out of the building with four other young men, laughing and talking. One of them was my g-nephew’s cousin on his mom’s side who had passed a year or two before him. 

Then, I woke up. 

My interpretation:

They are all together. G-nephew hanging with his friends, Mom and sister watching over him and still thinking of me sometimes. I can’t get to them and roadblocks are in place to keep me from doing so. They are all okay.  I don’t know the significance of the fourth floor (unless they are in a 4th dimension) or the #85 parking space (unless that’s my age at my own death! 😳)

What do you think? And do you have any dreams to share about deceased family or friends?


Putting Myself Out There…

This gallery contains 6 photos.

I did it! My first reader event as an official signing author is done. Whew! For those who follow this blog, you probably know I’ve got issues with in person author events. I get social anxiety pretty bad so putting … Continue reading